You are not broken and there's nothing wrong with you.

Get off the endless circuit of trying to run from or "heal" your humanness.


You were never a follower. No wonder you never fit in but always tried to cram your magical, expansive soul into tiny good-girl-shaped boxes.

Book a free call here

Client Testimonials


 J Says... 

"I’ve had breakthroughs on so many levels since working with you. I don’t let my emotions shut me down anymore. I’ve also become so good at expressing my boundaries and needs and holding people accountable. You've helped me shift decades-worth of negative thinking, conditioning, and maligned beliefs.

Working with you has been life-changing! The best part is that you've guided me to be able to achieve these things on my own, which shows that I have made real, lasting, change." 


 D Says... 

The way you can so casually and somewhat gleefully explain my deepest psychological wounds to me without breaking a sweat is fucking witchcraft.

I've always felt so disconnected from my body and our sessions took away I lot of fear I've held onto.

The most unexpected thing was how deep we go in one hour. We touched on things that it took me years to express in traditional therapy.

Traditional therapy seems so slow to me now LOL, and so clinical/cold/sanitized. You have such a peaceful, joyful way about you and it shines through. Coaching with you felt very accessible, kind, and warm, while still being very knowledgeable and professional.


 K Says...

 “Coaching with you was like accelerated therapy.

You gave me so many tools I needed to progress forward in a healthy way.

What surprised me the most about working with you was how open you were. How willing you were to go “wherever I needed to go.” It didn’t matter about the topic, or what was said, or “how” it was said. You just lovingly accepted all my parts.

I felt so seen and understood by you. I, 100 percent, without a shadow of a doubt, transformed because of working with you."