What is it you wish someone could see you in?

What if you didn't have to wait any longer to be seen by someone you could trust?


“Coaching with Danelle was like accelerated therapy. She gave me so many tools I needed to progress forward in a healthy way. I felt so seen and understood by her. I was, 100 percent, without a shadow of a doubt, transformed because of working with Danelle.” -Carly


How will life look a year from now if you choose to step into coaching with me?

Curious to learn more? Click below to schedule a free consult call!

Yes please, I want to know more about what's possible!

The work I do is powerful...come get a taste...

“Honestly, one session with you was more helpful than 20 years of therapy.”-Kristen

You can make long lasting change.

Kayla says...


“I’ve had breakthroughs on so many levels since working with Danelle. I’m noticing people I love growing with me, instead of away from me. The fear of growing out of my close relationships had kept me from actually working on myself for a very long time. Danelle has helped me shift decades-worth of negative thinking, conditioning, and maligned beliefs. Working with her has been life-changing!

But the best part is that she  guided me to be able to achieve these things on my own, which shows that I have made real, lasting, change.”

You can trust yourself

Alliya shares...


“Because of Danelle's coaching, I can have hard conversations without  derailing the day. I’m able to be vulnerable and honest in difficult moments without emotions overwhelming and shutting me down like they used to. 

I now have the courage and resiliency to have these conversations because I've learned to trust myself deeply. I can sit with my emotions and express myself without freezing or retreating. 

I’ve become really good at identifying and expressing my boundaries, needs, and holding people accountable.”

You can connect to yourself.

Zoe reveals... 


“I didn’t have had the tools to get to the place I’ve wanted to be. You’ve been a guide for me, and I look to you for guidance because you have the tools that have allowed me to take myself to places that I’ve wanted to go for SO long.

Through coaching with Danelle, I’ve learned how to connect to my own higher power. I’ve been able to experience myself from a place that I’ve never experienced myself from before.

Being able to see myself for who I am and love and honor her has been the greatest gift.”

“What surprised me the most about working with you was how open you were. How willing you were to go “wherever I needed to go.” It didn’t matter about the topic, or what was said, or “how” it was said. You just lovingly accepted all my parts.”


“I’m seriously so in awe of our session. I keep reflecting on it over and over.

Danelle has such a visionary gift. The imagery she  walked me through has stayed with me in such a deep, intimate way.

I seriously love her, her wisdom, and her work.”- Lisa

“I’ve learned I have within all the insights, which is the most valuable realization.

You helped me be able to figure things out on my own. I now have lightbulb moments where I think, “Oh my god, it all makes sense.” I feel grounded and grateful. I feel lighter & free.”


Simple questions you asked turned into such deep hearted awakenings for me. Even the days when I resisted coaching, you always asked the right questions.

I’m in shock as to where I’ve come in 12 weeks. It’s seemed like such a short amount of time.


"Since working with you, I’m now able to be authentically myself. I feel very stable and I’m able to handle things so quickly. I feel more calm, peaceful, easeful.

Everything is re-framed in a better light and it makes day to day things so much peaceful, easeful, and hopeful.”


You're 3 steps away from transforming your life

All you need is to show up and trust the process

“I went into our session open minded and open hearted. With your guidance and insight I was able to connect the dots and shift perceptions of my years of regret. In those shifts, I am now able to see, feel and understand the gift of each experience.  I am forever grateful for the growth working with you has allowed me.  You are my gift, thank you!”


Work the tools I show you

The Existential Kink practice Danelle guided me through has helped me liberate myself from destructive cycles and patterns by acknowledging my unconscious shadows – the aspects and facets of myself that I saw as “bad” and made me feel like a victim and were causing me pain – and allowing myself to embrace these parts of me and the (sometimes) unpleasant sensations they cause.

Once I said “yes” to experiencing the uncomfortable sensations connected to my old trauma, I allowed myself to process and move on from them. Believe it or not, these long-buried parts of me usually just wanted to be heard and accepted so they could move on as well."


And watch yourself transform before your very eyes

"The biggest transformation working with you was knowing it was okay to be “me.” That, for so long I’ve carried shame with me on so many levels. And, that I could “un-shame” all of those parts of me that I thought were “bad.” You helped me understand that my authenticity was sacred, needed, valued, seen, and heard.

That my voice mattered and to trust it. That I mattered, and that everything I was feeling, or have felt…is normal. That, “nothing has gone wrong here.” That I am loveable, and that what I’m doing is important, and that I’ve already got what it takes. You empowered me.”


Who even am I?

I'm Danelle!

(AKA. Nurse Nell)


I am a certified trauma-informed life coach, a nurse, have a master’s degree in Chinese medicine, and hold a 300+ hour meditation and yoga certification. 
I recently completed my certification as an Existential Kink coach (if you haven't heard of it....check out Dr. Carolyn Elliot and read her book Existential Kink and thank me later!).
I am a woman who has a mission to help other women unburden themselves of the pressures/shame/self-loathing/never-enough-ness thrust onto them at birth and throughout the 80 (give or take) years of their lives.
Ready to dive in together? Book a Call here!

Curious? Want to learn more?

Not ready to chat, but want in on my delicious Masterclass?

Sign up below to explore, "Tapping and Existential Kink for Anxiety"

(You'll also get a fabulous pdf to go with it, so whether you're a visual or reading learner, I've got you!)